Definitions from Wiktionary (yeoman's service)
▸ noun: (idiomatic, of behavior by a person) Arduous work, performed in a vigorous, committed manner.
▸ noun: (idiomatic, of an object or characteristic) Reliable, useful, capable service.
▸ Words similar to yeoman's service
▸ Usage examples for yeoman's service
▸ Idioms related to yeoman's service
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near yeoman's service
▸ Rhymes of yeoman's service
▸ Invented words related to yeoman's service
▸ noun: (idiomatic, of behavior by a person) Arduous work, performed in a vigorous, committed manner.
▸ noun: (idiomatic, of an object or characteristic) Reliable, useful, capable service.
▸ Words similar to yeoman's service
▸ Usage examples for yeoman's service
▸ Idioms related to yeoman's service
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near yeoman's service
▸ Rhymes of yeoman's service
▸ Invented words related to yeoman's service