Definitions from Wiktionary (WP)
▸ noun: (initialism) Alternative form of WP
▸ noun: (newspaper) Initialism of Washington Post.
▸ noun: (international law) Initialism of Warsaw Pact. [(historical) A pact (long-term alliance treaty) signed on May 14, 1955 in Warsaw by the Soviet Union and its Communist military allies in Europe.]
▸ noun: (software) Initialism of WordPress. [A content management system used to create websites of all kinds, especially blogs.]
▸ noun: (software) Initialism of WordPerfect.
▸ noun: (Internet) Initialism of Wattpad.
▸ noun: (Internet) Initialism of Wirtualna Polska.
▸ noun: (mobile telephony) Initialism of Windows Phone.
▸ noun: (Wikimedia jargon) Initialism of Wikipedia. [A free-content, multilingual, online encyclopedia and wiki run by the Wikimedia Foundation.]
▸ noun: (software) Initialism of word processor. [A device similar to a simple computer, designed for word processing.]
▸ noun: (computing) Initialism of word processing. [(computing) The creation, input, editing and formatting of documents and other text using software on a computer.]
▸ noun: (computing) Initialism of weakest precondition.
▸ noun: (baseball) Initialism of wild pitch. [(baseball) A play where the pitcher throws a non-catchable pitch and a runner advances.]
▸ noun: Initialism of white privilege. [(sociology) The collective advantages that white people are granted and enjoy in a society, usually apart from demonstrable merit, as contrasted against the advantages (or lack thereof) of non-whites of the same society.]
▸ noun: Initialism of white people.
▸ noun: (military) Initialism of white phosphorus. [(chemistry) The most common allotrope of phosphorus; a yellow-white waxy solid that is insoluble in water and spontaneously combusts on exposure to air to form clouds of phosphorus pentoxide; used as a military smokescreen and as an incendiary weapon.]
▸ noun: (hydrology) Initialism of wilting point.
▸ noun: (military) Initialism of weapons procurement.
▸ noun: (military) Initialism of war prison.
▸ Words similar to wp
▸ Usage examples for wp
▸ Idioms related to wp
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular adjectives describing wp
▸ Words that often appear near wp
▸ Rhymes of wp
▸ Invented words related to wp
▸ noun: (initialism) Alternative form of WP
▸ noun: (newspaper) Initialism of Washington Post.
▸ noun: (international law) Initialism of Warsaw Pact. [(historical) A pact (long-term alliance treaty) signed on May 14, 1955 in Warsaw by the Soviet Union and its Communist military allies in Europe.]
▸ noun: (software) Initialism of WordPress. [A content management system used to create websites of all kinds, especially blogs.]
▸ noun: (software) Initialism of WordPerfect.
▸ noun: (Internet) Initialism of Wattpad.
▸ noun: (Internet) Initialism of Wirtualna Polska.
▸ noun: (mobile telephony) Initialism of Windows Phone.
▸ noun: (Wikimedia jargon) Initialism of Wikipedia. [A free-content, multilingual, online encyclopedia and wiki run by the Wikimedia Foundation.]
▸ noun: (software) Initialism of word processor. [A device similar to a simple computer, designed for word processing.]
▸ noun: (computing) Initialism of word processing. [(computing) The creation, input, editing and formatting of documents and other text using software on a computer.]
▸ noun: (computing) Initialism of weakest precondition.
▸ noun: (baseball) Initialism of wild pitch. [(baseball) A play where the pitcher throws a non-catchable pitch and a runner advances.]
▸ noun: Initialism of white privilege. [(sociology) The collective advantages that white people are granted and enjoy in a society, usually apart from demonstrable merit, as contrasted against the advantages (or lack thereof) of non-whites of the same society.]
▸ noun: Initialism of white people.
▸ noun: (military) Initialism of white phosphorus. [(chemistry) The most common allotrope of phosphorus; a yellow-white waxy solid that is insoluble in water and spontaneously combusts on exposure to air to form clouds of phosphorus pentoxide; used as a military smokescreen and as an incendiary weapon.]
▸ noun: (hydrology) Initialism of wilting point.
▸ noun: (military) Initialism of weapons procurement.
▸ noun: (military) Initialism of war prison.
▸ Words similar to wp
▸ Usage examples for wp
▸ Idioms related to wp
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular adjectives describing wp
▸ Words that often appear near wp
▸ Rhymes of wp
▸ Invented words related to wp