Definitions from Wiktionary (wave away)
▸ verb: (idiomatic) to reject or dismiss with a hand gesture
▸ verb: (idiomatic, by extension) to brush aside or sweep under the rug
▸ Words similar to wave away
▸ Usage examples for wave away
▸ Idioms related to wave away
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near wave away
▸ Rhymes of wave away
▸ Invented words related to wave away
▸ verb: (idiomatic) to reject or dismiss with a hand gesture
▸ verb: (idiomatic, by extension) to brush aside or sweep under the rug
wave off,
brush off,
turn away,
sweep aside,
send away,
swipe left,
kiss off,
walk away from,
brush aside,
par off,
▸ Words similar to wave away
▸ Usage examples for wave away
▸ Idioms related to wave away
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near wave away
▸ Rhymes of wave away
▸ Invented words related to wave away