Definitions from Wiktionary (ullage)
▸ noun: In a wine bottle, the empty space between the cork and the top of the wine.
▸ noun: In a cask or barrel, the empty space, occupied by air, that is created by not completely filling the cask or barrel, or through spillage.
▸ noun: The topping-up of such a barrel with fresh wine.
▸ noun: In an industrial setting, the empty space in a tank, especially as for fuel.
▸ noun: Additional cargo of little or no value taken on to prevent movement of shifting of the purposive cargo.
▸ noun: (slang, obsolete, in the plural) Left-over wine surreptitiously drunk by waiters as they clear away the glasses.
▸ verb: To gauge the amount of empty space between the top of a cask and the level of liquid inside it.
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▸ noun: In a wine bottle, the empty space between the cork and the top of the wine.
▸ noun: In a cask or barrel, the empty space, occupied by air, that is created by not completely filling the cask or barrel, or through spillage.
▸ noun: The topping-up of such a barrel with fresh wine.
▸ noun: In an industrial setting, the empty space in a tank, especially as for fuel.
▸ noun: Additional cargo of little or no value taken on to prevent movement of shifting of the purposive cargo.
▸ noun: (slang, obsolete, in the plural) Left-over wine surreptitiously drunk by waiters as they clear away the glasses.
▸ verb: To gauge the amount of empty space between the top of a cask and the level of liquid inside it.
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