Definitions from Wiktionary (trip out)
▸ verb: (slang) To hallucinate or otherwise alter one's consciousness as a result of drugs.
▸ verb: (slang) To have a fit, to become enraged or upset; to flip out.
▸ verb: (slang) To enthuse, to respond with strong positive emotion; to get high (on)
▸ verb: (idiomatic) To have as an image in one's mind.
▸ verb: (engineering) To pull the drill stem and bit out of the hole of an oil well drill, in order to access the borehole.
▸ verb: (electronics) To break a circuit in response to an overload.
▸ verb: To be released in spite of constraints; to spill out.
▸ verb: To go out with light steps.
▸ Words similar to trip out
▸ Usage examples for trip out
▸ Idioms related to trip out
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near trip out
▸ Rhymes of trip out
▸ Invented words related to trip out
▸ verb: (slang) To hallucinate or otherwise alter one's consciousness as a result of drugs.
▸ verb: (slang) To have a fit, to become enraged or upset; to flip out.
▸ verb: (slang) To enthuse, to respond with strong positive emotion; to get high (on)
▸ verb: (idiomatic) To have as an image in one's mind.
▸ verb: (engineering) To pull the drill stem and bit out of the hole of an oil well drill, in order to access the borehole.
▸ verb: (electronics) To break a circuit in response to an overload.
▸ verb: To be released in spite of constraints; to spill out.
▸ verb: To go out with light steps.
▸ Words similar to trip out
▸ Usage examples for trip out
▸ Idioms related to trip out
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near trip out
▸ Rhymes of trip out
▸ Invented words related to trip out