Usually means: Adding funds to an account.
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We found 14 dictionaries that define the word top-up:

General (14 matching dictionaries)
  1. top-up:
  2. top-up: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. top-up, top-up: Collins English Dictionary
  4. top-up:
  5. Top-Up, Top-up, top-up: Wordnik
  6. top-up: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  7. top-up: Wiktionary
  8. top-up:
  9. top-up: Rhymezone
  10. top-up: Free Dictionary
  11. top-up: Mnemonic Dictionary
  12. top-up: Dictionary/thesaurus

(Note: See top-ups as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (
American English Definition British English Definition
adjective:  That serves as an addition
noun:  An addition.
noun:  A serving of drink used to top up an existing glass.
noun:  (insurance) An additional premium paid over the initial premium in order to increase benefit values.
noun:  Additional credit purchased for a mobile phone.
noun:  (medicine) A dose of epidural anesthetic added to previously injected spinal anesthetic in combined spinal-epidural anesthesia
noun:  (education) The situation where a student who holds a qualification equivalent to part of a degree course is then accepted onto a degree course at an intermediate point, without having to start it from the beginning.





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