Definitions from Wiktionary (tight loop)
▸ noun: (programming) A loop which contains few instructions and iterates many times.
▸ noun: (programming) Such a loop which heavily uses I/O or processing resources, failing to adequately share them with other programs running in the operating system.
▸ Words similar to tight loop
▸ Usage examples for tight loop
▸ Idioms related to tight loop
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ Rhymes of tight loop
▸ Invented words related to tight loop
▸ noun: (programming) A loop which contains few instructions and iterates many times.
▸ noun: (programming) Such a loop which heavily uses I/O or processing resources, failing to adequately share them with other programs running in the operating system.
do loop,
for loop,
while loop,
foreach loop,
busy loop,
do-while loop,
▸ Words similar to tight loop
▸ Usage examples for tight loop
▸ Idioms related to tight loop
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near tight loop
▸ Rhymes of tight loop
▸ Invented words related to tight loop