Definitions from Wiktionary (tiger team)
▸ noun: A specialized group tasked with testing the effectiveness of an organization's ability to protect assets by attempting to circumvent, defeat or otherwise thwart that organization's internal and external security.
▸ noun: An engineering or other group assembled to tackle especially difficult or critical problems, often outside the normal chain of command.
▸ Words similar to tiger team
▸ Usage examples for tiger team
▸ Idioms related to tiger team
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ Rhymes of tiger team
▸ Invented words related to tiger team
▸ noun: A specialized group tasked with testing the effectiveness of an organization's ability to protect assets by attempting to circumvent, defeat or otherwise thwart that organization's internal and external security.
▸ noun: An engineering or other group assembled to tackle especially difficult or critical problems, often outside the normal chain of command.
kill team,
signature strike,
tiger chair,
shock troop,
tubular assault,
tag team,
▸ Words similar to tiger team
▸ Usage examples for tiger team
▸ Idioms related to tiger team
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near tiger team
▸ Rhymes of tiger team
▸ Invented words related to tiger team