Usually means: Remove something from its place.
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We found 18 dictionaries that define the word take away:

General (11 matching dictionaries)
  1. take away: Collins English Dictionary
  2. take-away, take away:
  3. Take-Away, take-away: Wordnik
  4. take-away, take away: Wiktionary
  5. take-away: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
  6. take-away, take away:
  7. Take-Away, Take Away (song), Take Away, Take-away, Take away (disambiguation), Take away: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  8. take-away, take away: Rhymezone
  9. take-away, take away: Free Dictionary
  10. take-away, take away: Mnemonic Dictionary
  11. take-away, take away: Dictionary/thesaurus

Business (3 matching dictionaries)
  1. BuzzWhack (No longer online)
  2. take away: Legal dictionary
  3. take-away, take away: Financial dictionary

Computing (1 matching dictionary)
  1. take-away, take away: Encyclopedia

Medicine (1 matching dictionary)
  1. take away: Medical dictionary

Miscellaneous (1 matching dictionary)
  1. take away: Idioms

Slang (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Take-Away, take away: Urban Dictionary

(Note: See take_aways as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (take away)

verb:  To remove something and put it in a different place.
verb:  To remove something, either material or abstract, so that a person no longer has it.
verb:  To remove a person, usually a family member or other close friend or acquaintance, by kidnapping or killing the person.
verb:  To subtract or diminish something.
verb:  To leave a memory or impression in one's mind that you think about later.
verb:  (of a person) To make someone leave a place and go somewhere else. Usually not with the person's consent.
verb:  (of a person) To prevent, or limit, someone from being somewhere, or from doing something.
noun:  Nonstandard spelling of takeaway. [(chiefly UK, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand) A restaurant that sells food to be eaten elsewhere.]






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