Might mean (unverified): Significantly underrepresented group in power.
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We found one dictionary that defines the word superminority:

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  1. superminority: Wiktionary

Definitions from Wiktionary (superminority)

noun:  A voting block which, although it has less than 50% of the vote, has sufficient numbers to prevent any other group from forming a supermajority.
noun:  (more generally) A minority group that wields disproportionate power.
noun:  An ethnic minority group that is seen as having outstanding abilities.
noun:  A member of a minority group who has extraordinary abilities, often one who is identified as a leader and representative of the entire ethnic group.
noun:  A large minority group that comprises a significant percentage of the population or most of the minority population.
noun:  Multiple minority groups, seen as a single coalition or group.
noun:  A person who is a member of multiple minority groups.



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