Definitions from Wiktionary (structural formula)
▸ noun: (chemistry) Any of various diagrammatic representations of the structure of a molecule that shows how its atoms are linked to each other, with what type of bonds, and the presence of any charges
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▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ noun: (chemistry) Any of various diagrammatic representations of the structure of a molecule that shows how its atoms are linked to each other, with what type of bonds, and the presence of any charges
chemical structure,
Lewis structure,
molecular formula,
condensed formula,
chemical formula,
skeletal formula,
canonical form,
general formula,
▸ Words similar to structural formula
▸ Usage examples for structural formula
▸ Idioms related to structural formula
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near structural formula
▸ Rhymes of structural formula
▸ Invented words related to structural formula