Usually means: Fail to hit the ball.
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We found 21 dictionaries that define the word strike out:

General (15 matching dictionaries)
  1. strike out:
  2. strike out, strike out: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. strike out: Collins English Dictionary
  4. strike out:
  5. strike-out: Wordnik
  6. strike (sb) out, strike out, strike out (somewhere): Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  7. strike out: Wiktionary
  8. strike out:
  9. Strike Out: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  10. strike out: Rhymezone
  11. strike out: Free Dictionary
  12. strike out: Mnemonic Dictionary
  13. strike out: Dictionary/thesaurus

Business (1 matching dictionary)
  1. strike out: Legal dictionary

Computing (1 matching dictionary)
  1. strike out: Encyclopedia

Medicine (1 matching dictionary)
  1. strike out: Medical dictionary

Miscellaneous (1 matching dictionary)
  1. strike out: Idioms

Slang (1 matching dictionary)
  1. strike out: Urban Dictionary

Sports (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Hickok Sports Glossaries (No longer online)

(Note: See strike_outs as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (strike out)

verb:  (intransitive, often with at) To lash out; to strike or hit at someone or something, particularly something in arm's length of the striker and at or near the level of the striker's head.
verb:  (figuratively) To strongly criticize or make a verbal attack, particularly as a response to previous criticism or provocation.
verb:  To draw a line through some text such as a printed or written sentence, with the purpose of deleting that text from the rest of the document.
verb:  (law, figurative) to treat something as settled
verb:  (ergative, baseball, softball) Of a batter, to be retired after three strikes (missed swings, as opposed to any other way of becoming "out"); of a pitcher, to cause this to happen to the batter.
verb:  (intransitive, colloquial, figuratively) To fail; to be refused a request or to have a proposal not be accepted, in particular a request for a (hopefully romantic) date.
verb:  To begin to make one's way.






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