Definitions from Wiktionary (statutory exclusion)
▸ noun: (US, law, uncountable) The legal requirement that under specified circumstances, a juvenile be tried as an adult, without the possibility of judicial discretion.
▸ noun: (countable) A situation which is not covered by a particular rule or process because of a statute.
▸ Words similar to statutory exclusion
▸ Usage examples for statutory exclusion
▸ Idioms related to statutory exclusion
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near statutory exclusion
▸ Rhymes of statutory exclusion
▸ Invented words related to statutory exclusion
▸ noun: (US, law, uncountable) The legal requirement that under specified circumstances, a juvenile be tried as an adult, without the possibility of judicial discretion.
▸ noun: (countable) A situation which is not covered by a particular rule or process because of a statute.
exclusionary rule,
single justice procedure,
statute of limitations,
rule of sevens,
statue of limitations,
fugitive disentitlement,
personal exception,
mandatory sentence,
▸ Words similar to statutory exclusion
▸ Usage examples for statutory exclusion
▸ Idioms related to statutory exclusion
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near statutory exclusion
▸ Rhymes of statutory exclusion
▸ Invented words related to statutory exclusion