Definitions from Wiktionary (social alienation)
▸ noun: (philosophy, general) a person's feeling of disconnection and/or isolation from a group – whether friends, family, or wider society – or another individual due to low degree of integration or common values
▸ noun: (Hegelian philosophy) psychological state and objective process in which the self was a historical and social creation, which becomes alienated from itself via a perceived objective world, but can become de-alienated again when that world is seen as just another aspect of the self-consciousness, which may be achieved by self-sacrifice to the common good
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▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ Rhymes of social alienation
▸ Invented words related to social alienation
▸ noun: (philosophy, general) a person's feeling of disconnection and/or isolation from a group – whether friends, family, or wider society – or another individual due to low degree of integration or common values
▸ noun: (Hegelian philosophy) psychological state and objective process in which the self was a historical and social creation, which becomes alienated from itself via a perceived objective world, but can become de-alienated again when that world is seen as just another aspect of the self-consciousness, which may be achieved by self-sacrifice to the common good
outside world,
social commentary,
▸ Words similar to social alienation
▸ Usage examples for social alienation
▸ Idioms related to social alienation
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near social alienation
▸ Rhymes of social alienation
▸ Invented words related to social alienation