Definitions from Wiktionary (signature authority)
▸ noun: (business) The authority of an employee acting unilaterally to commit an employer to a contract.
▸ noun: (business) The maximum value of such contract.
▸ noun: (law) Control over a financial account with ones signature.
▸ Words similar to signature authority
▸ Usage examples for signature authority
▸ Idioms related to signature authority
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near signature authority
▸ Rhymes of signature authority
▸ Invented words related to signature authority
▸ noun: (business) The authority of an employee acting unilaterally to commit an employer to a contract.
▸ noun: (business) The maximum value of such contract.
▸ noun: (law) Control over a financial account with ones signature.
atomic authorization,
power of attorney,
statutory authority,
service agreement,
absolute endorsement,
exclusive right,
▸ Words similar to signature authority
▸ Usage examples for signature authority
▸ Idioms related to signature authority
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near signature authority
▸ Rhymes of signature authority
▸ Invented words related to signature authority