Usually means: Assistance or work provided to others.
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We found 65 dictionaries that define the word service:

General (26 matching dictionaries)
  1. Service, service:
  2. service: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. service: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  4. service: Collins English Dictionary
  5. Service, service:
  6. Service, service, service: Wordnik
  7. service: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  8. service: Wiktionary
  9. service: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
  10. service: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
  11. service: Infoplease Dictionary
  12. service:
  13. service (n.), service (v.): Online Etymology Dictionary
  14. service: Cambridge Essential American English Dictionary
  15. Service (Tenrikyo), Service (The Walking Dead), Service (album), Service (business), Service (economics), Service (film), Service (motor vehicle), Service (music), Service (play), Service (record label), Service (systems architecture), Service, The Service: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  16. Service: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
  17. service: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition
  18. service: Rhymezone
  19. service, service (de), service (m): Multi-Lingual Dictionary
  20. service: Webster's 1828 Dictionary
  21. service: Free Dictionary
  22. service: Mnemonic Dictionary
  23. Service: Dictionary/thesaurus
  24. service: Wikimedia Commons US English Pronunciations

Art (6 matching dictionaries)
  1. Paris Cookbook (No longer online)
  2. French Glossary (No longer online)
  3. Food Glossary (No longer online)
  4. Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary (No longer online)
  5. Glossary of Stamp Collecting Terms (No longer online)
  6. Natural Magick (No longer online)

Business (12 matching dictionaries)
  1. service: Webster's New World Law Dictionary
  2. service: Dictionary
  3. Everybody's Legal Dictionary (No longer online)
  4. INVESTORWORDS (No longer online)
  6. Glossary of Legal Terms (No longer online)
  7. Construction Term Glossary (No longer online)
  8. Service: Deardorff's Glossary of International Economics
  9. Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856 Edition (No longer online)
  10. Service (disambiguation), Service (law), service: Legal dictionary
  11. Service (law), service: Financial dictionary
  12. (No longer online)

Computing (5 matching dictionaries)
  1. service: Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
  2. service: Hacking Lexicon
  3. I T Glossary (No longer online)
  4. Service (disambiguation), service: Encyclopedia
  5. Windows API Guide (No longer online)

Medicine (3 matching dictionaries)
  1. Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary (No longer online)
  2. online medical dictionary (No longer online)
  3. Service (disambiguation), Service (law), service: Medical dictionary

Miscellaneous (4 matching dictionaries)
  1. Sound-Alike Words (No longer online)
  2. SERVICE: Acronym Finder
  3. AbbreviationZ (No longer online)
  4. service: Idioms

Religion (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Glossary of spiritual and religious terms (No longer online)

Slang (1 matching dictionary)
  1. SERVICE, Service: Urban Dictionary

Sports (4 matching dictionaries)
  1. Squash Glossary (No longer online)
  2. Hickok Sports Glossaries (No longer online)
  3. Inter Badminton (No longer online)
  4. Service: Sports Definitions

Tech (3 matching dictionaries)
  1. service: Webster's New World Telecom Dictionary
  2. AUTOMOTIVE TERMS (No longer online)
  3. Dairy Glossary (No longer online)

(Note: See serviced as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (
American English Definition British English Definition
noun:  An act of being of assistance to someone.
noun:  The state of being subordinate to or employed by an individual or group.
noun:  (elliptical, uncountable) Work as a member of the military.
noun:  (economics) The practice of providing assistance as economic activity.
noun:  (business) Synonym of utility (“commodity provided on a continuous basis by a physical infrastructure network, such as electricity, water supply or sewerage”).
noun:  A department in a company, organization, or institution.
noun:  (computing) A function that is provided by one program or machine for another.
noun:  (with the) The military.
noun:  A set of dishes or utensils.
noun:  (sports) The act of initially starting, or serving, the ball in play in tennis, volleyball, and other games.
noun:  A religious rite or ritual.
noun:  (law) The serving, or delivery, of a summons or writ.
noun:  (Israel, West Bank, also in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) A taxi shared among unrelated passengers, each of whom pays part of the fare; often, it has a fixed route between cities.
noun:  A musical composition for use in churches.
noun:  (obsolete) Profession of respect; acknowledgment of duty owed.
noun:  (nautical) The materials used for serving a rope, etc., such as spun yarn and small lines.
noun:  Access to resources such as hotel rooms and Web-based videos without transfer of the resources' ownership.
verb:  (transitive) To serve.
verb:  (transitive) To perform maintenance.
verb:  (public relations, transitive) To supply (media outlets) with press releases etc.
verb:  (transitive, agriculture, euphemistic) To inseminate through sexual intercourse.
verb:  (transitive, vulgar) To perform a sexual act upon.
verb:  (transitive, military, euphemistic) To attack.
noun:  Service tree.
noun:  The sorb; the fruit of this tree.
noun:  A surname.
noun:  An unincorporated community in Crawford County, Missouri, United States.






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