Definitions from Wiktionary (run rings round)
▸ verb: alternative form of run rings around [(idiomatic) Synonym of run circles around.]
▸ Words similar to run rings round
▸ Usage examples for run rings round
▸ Idioms related to run rings round
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near run rings round
▸ Rhymes of run rings round
▸ Invented words related to run rings round
▸ verb: alternative form of run rings around [(idiomatic) Synonym of run circles around.]
run rings around,
run circles round,
run round in circles,
run around in circles,
run in circles,
run circles around,
go around in circles,
go in circles,
go round,
go round the houses,
▸ Words similar to run rings round
▸ Usage examples for run rings round
▸ Idioms related to run rings round
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near run rings round
▸ Rhymes of run rings round
▸ Invented words related to run rings round