Definitions from Wiktionary (readback)
▸ noun: (computing) The act of reading data back from a location where it has been stored.
▸ noun: (aviation, telecommunications) The repetition of a message one has received, in order to acknowledge it and to demonstrate accurate comprehension (especially of commands).
▸ noun: (dictation, stenography) The reading aloud by a transcriptionist, court reporter, or stenographer of draft correspondence or of testimony previously taken down in dictation, usually at the request of the presiding judge or parties involved in a deposition (courtroom contexts) or of the manager dictating the correspondence (business contexts).
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▸ noun: (computing) The act of reading data back from a location where it has been stored.
▸ noun: (aviation, telecommunications) The repetition of a message one has received, in order to acknowledge it and to demonstrate accurate comprehension (especially of commands).
▸ noun: (dictation, stenography) The reading aloud by a transcriptionist, court reporter, or stenographer of draft correspondence or of testimony previously taken down in dictation, usually at the request of the presiding judge or parties involved in a deposition (courtroom contexts) or of the manager dictating the correspondence (business contexts).
destructive read,
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