Definitions from Wiktionary (QUAT)
▸ noun: (obsolete) A pustule.
▸ noun: (obsolete) An annoying, worthless person.
▸ verb: (transitive, obsolete) To satiate.
▸ verb: (Scotland, dialectal, transitive) To relinquish, forsake, give up.
▸ verb: (Wales and Southwest England, dialectal, intransitive) To squat or crouch down.
▸ adjective: (Scotland, dialectal, with "of") Free; no longer involved with; quit.
▸ noun: (chemistry) A quaternary ammonium cation or compound.
▸ adjective: Quaternary.
▸ noun: Alternative spelling of khat. [A shrub, Catha edulis, whose leaves are used as a mild stimulant when chewed or brewed as tea; also a drug produced from this plant.]
▸ noun: Alternative form of quat (“quaternary ammonium”) [(obsolete) A pustule.]
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▸ noun: (obsolete) A pustule.
▸ noun: (obsolete) An annoying, worthless person.
▸ verb: (transitive, obsolete) To satiate.
▸ verb: (Scotland, dialectal, transitive) To relinquish, forsake, give up.
▸ verb: (Wales and Southwest England, dialectal, intransitive) To squat or crouch down.
▸ adjective: (Scotland, dialectal, with "of") Free; no longer involved with; quit.
▸ noun: (chemistry) A quaternary ammonium cation or compound.
▸ adjective: Quaternary.
▸ noun: Alternative spelling of khat. [A shrub, Catha edulis, whose leaves are used as a mild stimulant when chewed or brewed as tea; also a drug produced from this plant.]
▸ noun: Alternative form of quat (“quaternary ammonium”) [(obsolete) A pustule.]
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▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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