Definitions from Wiktionary (pursuit curve)
▸ noun: (geometry) A geometrical model which simulates the path taken by a pursuer in the course of its pursuit.
▸ Words similar to pursuit curve
▸ Usage examples for pursuit curve
▸ Idioms related to pursuit curve
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pursuit curve
▸ Rhymes of pursuit curve
▸ Invented words related to pursuit curve
▸ noun: (geometry) A geometrical model which simulates the path taken by a pursuer in the course of its pursuit.
collision course,
reverse curve,
hockey stick curve,
foot chase,
individual pursuit,
glide path,
horseshoe curve,
▸ Words similar to pursuit curve
▸ Usage examples for pursuit curve
▸ Idioms related to pursuit curve
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pursuit curve
▸ Rhymes of pursuit curve
▸ Invented words related to pursuit curve