Definitions from Wiktionary (pull time)
▸ verb: To be sentenced to a term in prison.
▸ noun: The amount of time spent pulling.
▸ noun: The time when something should pull.
▸ noun: (trucking) The time when trucks pull in for loading and pull out with new loads.
▸ Words similar to pull time
▸ Usage examples for pull time
▸ Idioms related to pull time
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pull time
▸ Rhymes of pull time
▸ Invented words related to pull time
▸ verb: To be sentenced to a term in prison.
▸ noun: The amount of time spent pulling.
▸ noun: The time when something should pull.
▸ noun: (trucking) The time when trucks pull in for loading and pull out with new loads.
get life,
live at Her Majesty's pleasure,
stand trial,
keep term,
keep in,
▸ Words similar to pull time
▸ Usage examples for pull time
▸ Idioms related to pull time
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pull time
▸ Rhymes of pull time
▸ Invented words related to pull time