Definitions from Wiktionary (puddling)
▸ noun: The action of forming a puddle.
▸ noun: The process of working clay, loam, pulverized ore, etc., with water, to render it compact, or impervious to liquids.
▸ noun: (canal engineering) The act of lining a canal with puddle to make it watertight.
▸ noun: (metallurgy, historical) The first true industrial process to produce steel from pig iron.
▸ noun: A group of mallards (ducks).
▸ noun: A behaviour in which animals like butterflies seek out moist substances to obtain nutrients.
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▸ Invented words related to puddling
▸ noun: The action of forming a puddle.
▸ noun: The process of working clay, loam, pulverized ore, etc., with water, to render it compact, or impervious to liquids.
▸ noun: (canal engineering) The act of lining a canal with puddle to make it watertight.
▸ noun: (metallurgy, historical) The first true industrial process to produce steel from pig iron.
▸ noun: A group of mallards (ducks).
▸ noun: A behaviour in which animals like butterflies seek out moist substances to obtain nutrients.
spend a penny,
make water,
relieve oneself,
pass water,
take a leak,
▸ Words similar to puddling
▸ Usage examples for puddling
▸ Idioms related to puddling
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ Words that often appear near puddling
▸ Rhymes of puddling
▸ Invented words related to puddling