Definitions from Wiktionary (pronate)
▸ verb: (transitive, anatomy) To turn or rotate one’s hand and forearm so that the palm faces down if the forearm is horizontal, back if the arm is pointing down, or forward if the forearm is pointing up; to twist the right forearm counterclockwise or the left forearm clockwise.
▸ verb: (transitive, anatomy) To twist the foot so that if walking the weight would be borne on the inner edge of the foot.
▸ verb: (intransitive, anatomy) To become pronated.
▸ adjective: Somewhat prone; inclined.
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▸ verb: (transitive, anatomy) To turn or rotate one’s hand and forearm so that the palm faces down if the forearm is horizontal, back if the arm is pointing down, or forward if the forearm is pointing up; to twist the right forearm counterclockwise or the left forearm clockwise.
▸ verb: (transitive, anatomy) To twist the foot so that if walking the weight would be borne on the inner edge of the foot.
▸ verb: (intransitive, anatomy) To become pronated.
▸ adjective: Somewhat prone; inclined.
turn about,
turn round,
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▸ Idioms related to pronate
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular nouns described by pronate
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▸ Rhymes of pronate
▸ Invented words related to pronate