Definitions from Wiktionary (pony keg)
▸ noun: (US) A container for beer holding 7.75 US gallons, equal to half the size of a standard beer keg.
▸ noun: (Cincinnati, colloquial) A drive-through liquor store; by extension, any convenience store.
▸ Words similar to pony keg
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▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ noun: (US) A container for beer holding 7.75 US gallons, equal to half the size of a standard beer keg.
▸ noun: (Cincinnati, colloquial) A drive-through liquor store; by extension, any convenience store.
pony glass,
keg party,
Cornelius keg,
powder keg,
pint glass,
keg stand,
▸ Words similar to pony keg
▸ Usage examples for pony keg
▸ Idioms related to pony keg
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pony keg
▸ Rhymes of pony keg
▸ Invented words related to pony keg