Usually means: Survey to gather public opinion.
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We found 44 dictionaries that define the word poll:

General (26 matching dictionaries)
  1. poll:
  2. poll: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. poll: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  4. poll: Collins English Dictionary
  5. poll:
  6. Poll, poll: Wordnik
  7. poll: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  8. Poll, poll: Wiktionary
  9. poll: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
  10. poll: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
  11. poll: Infoplease Dictionary
  12. poll:
  13. poll: Online Etymology Dictionary
  14. poll: Cambridge Essential American English Dictionary
  15. Poll (Unix), Poll (band), Poll (horse), Poll (livestock), Poll: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  16. Poll: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
  17. poll: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition
  18. poll: Rhymezone
  19. poll: Multi-Lingual Dictionary
  20. poll: Webster's 1828 Dictionary
  21. Poll: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898)
  22. poll: Free Dictionary
  23. poll: Mnemonic Dictionary
  24. poll: Dictionary/thesaurus

Business (4 matching dictionaries)
  1. Everybody's Legal Dictionary (No longer online)
  2. Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856 Edition (No longer online)
  3. poll: Legal dictionary
  4. (No longer online)

Computing (3 matching dictionaries)
  1. poll: Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
  2. poll: CCI Computer
  3. poll: Encyclopedia

Medicine (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. online medical dictionary (No longer online)
  2. POLL: Medical dictionary

Miscellaneous (6 matching dictionaries)
  1. baby names list (No longer online)
  2. Sound-Alike Words (No longer online)
  3. poll: Genealogy Glossary
  4. POLL: Acronym Finder
  5. AbbreviationZ (No longer online)
  6. poll: Idioms

Religion (1 matching dictionary)
  1. POLL: Glossary of Biblical English of the Authorised Version of the HOLY BIBLE

Slang (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. poll, poll, poll, poll: Green’s Dictionary of Slang
  2. poll: Urban Dictionary

(Note: See polled as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (
American English Definition British English Definition
noun:  A survey of people, usually statistically analyzed to gauge wider public opinion.
noun:  A formal vote held in order to ascertain the most popular choice.
noun:  A polling place (usually as plural, polling places)
noun:  The result of the voting, the total number of votes recorded.
noun:  (now rare outside veterinary contexts) The head, particularly the scalp or pate upon which hair (normally) grows.
noun:  (in extended senses of the above) A mass of people, a mob or muster, considered as a head count.
noun:  The broad or butt end of an axe or a hammer.
noun:  The pollard or European chub, a kind of fish.
verb:  (transitive) To take, record the votes of (an electorate).
verb:  (transitive) To solicit mock votes from (a person or group).
verb:  (intransitive) To vote at an election.
verb:  To register or deposit, as a vote; to elicit or call forth, as votes or voters.
verb:  To cut off; to remove by clipping, shearing, etc.; to mow or crop.
verb:  (transitive) To cut the hair of (a creature).
verb:  (transitive) To remove the horns of (an animal).
verb:  To remove the top or end of; to clip; to lop.
verb:  (transitive, computing, communication) To (repeatedly) request the status of something (such as a computer or printer on a network).
verb:  (intransitive, with adverb) To be judged in a poll.
verb:  (obsolete) To extort from; to plunder; to strip. Especially in conjunction with pill for emphasis.
verb:  To impose a tax upon.
verb:  To pay as one's personal tax.
verb:  To enter, as polls or persons, in a list or register; to enroll, especially for purposes of taxation; to enumerate one by one.
verb:  (law) To cut or shave smooth or even; to cut in a straight line without indentation
adjective:  (of kinds of livestock which typically have horns) Bred without horns, and thus hornless.
noun:  A pet parrot.
noun:  (UK, dated, Cambridge University) One who does not try for honors at university, but is content to take a degree merely; a passman.
noun:  A diminutive of the female given name Mary.
noun:  A common pet name for a parrot.
noun:  (UK, slang, obsolete) A disreputable woman.
noun:  A surname transferred from the given name.






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