Definitions from Wiktionary (pick up the slack)
▸ verb: Alternative form of take up the slack
▸ verb: To tighten something that is slack so that it is taut.
▸ verb: To do work that would otherwise be left undone.
▸ verb: To provide extra needed resources.
▸ verb: (mathematics) To act as a slack variable, converting an inequality into an equality.
▸ verb: To consume something that would otherwise go to waste.
▸ Words similar to pick up the slack
▸ Usage examples for pick up the slack
▸ Idioms related to pick up the slack
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pick up the slack
▸ Rhymes of pick up the slack
▸ Invented words related to pick up the slack
▸ verb: Alternative form of take up the slack
▸ verb: To tighten something that is slack so that it is taut.
▸ verb: To do work that would otherwise be left undone.
▸ verb: To provide extra needed resources.
▸ verb: (mathematics) To act as a slack variable, converting an inequality into an equality.
▸ verb: To consume something that would otherwise go to waste.
pull one's own weight,
step into the breach,
pick up the ball and run with it,
back up,
pull up one's socks,
pull the ladder up after oneself,
suck it up, buttercup,
take up the gantlet,
▸ Words similar to pick up the slack
▸ Usage examples for pick up the slack
▸ Idioms related to pick up the slack
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pick up the slack
▸ Rhymes of pick up the slack
▸ Invented words related to pick up the slack