Definitions from Wiktionary (pencil out)
▸ verb: (business) Of an investment, to make sense financially or to be expected to generate the desired returns
▸ verb: (business) To roughly calculate the expected returns of an investment
▸ Words similar to pencil out
▸ Usage examples for pencil out
▸ Idioms related to pencil out
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pencil out
▸ Rhymes of pencil out
▸ Invented words related to pencil out
▸ verb: (business) Of an investment, to make sense financially or to be expected to generate the desired returns
▸ verb: (business) To roughly calculate the expected returns of an investment
earn out,
pay for itself,
plow back,
plough back,
strike a balance,
cover shorts,
▸ Words similar to pencil out
▸ Usage examples for pencil out
▸ Idioms related to pencil out
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pencil out
▸ Rhymes of pencil out
▸ Invented words related to pencil out