Definitions from Wiktionary (pass around)
▸ verb: To distribute something through a group by giving several items to one or more people to then give to others in a row, line or circle; to spread something to be used by each person in group in turn; to gather contributions for a cause.
▸ verb: To spread claims or gossip.
▸ Words similar to pass around
▸ Usage examples for pass around
▸ Idioms related to pass around
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pass around
▸ Rhymes of pass around
▸ Invented words related to pass around
▸ verb: To distribute something through a group by giving several items to one or more people to then give to others in a row, line or circle; to spread something to be used by each person in group in turn; to gather contributions for a cause.
▸ verb: To spread claims or gossip.
▸ Words similar to pass around
▸ Usage examples for pass around
▸ Idioms related to pass around
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pass around
▸ Rhymes of pass around
▸ Invented words related to pass around