Definitions from Wiktionary (pack up)
▸ verb: To give in.
▸ verb: To clear away and place into storage.
▸ verb: To put back together.
▸ verb: To move one’s residence.
▸ verb: To prepare for shipping, as a gift.
▸ verb: (of things) To put into bags to prepare to move.
▸ verb: (informal, of a machine) To break, to cease to function.
▸ verb: (transitive, intransitive) To fill a pipe with cannabis for smoking.
▸ Words similar to pack up
▸ Usage examples for pack up
▸ Idioms related to pack up
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pack up
▸ Rhymes of pack up
▸ Invented words related to pack up
▸ verb: To give in.
▸ verb: To clear away and place into storage.
▸ verb: To put back together.
▸ verb: To move one’s residence.
▸ verb: To prepare for shipping, as a gift.
▸ verb: (of things) To put into bags to prepare to move.
▸ verb: (informal, of a machine) To break, to cease to function.
▸ verb: (transitive, intransitive) To fill a pipe with cannabis for smoking.
▸ Words similar to pack up
▸ Usage examples for pack up
▸ Idioms related to pack up
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near pack up
▸ Rhymes of pack up
▸ Invented words related to pack up