Definitions from Wiktionary (overshift)
▸ noun: (sports) The strategy or act of positioning defensive players extra far toward the offense's strong side, leaving portions of the field or court undefended.
▸ noun: (mineralogy) The amount of displacement in the layers in a crystal lattice that places the layers too far apart for molecular bonding.
▸ noun: (mechanical engineering) A misalignment resulting from shifting gears too far.
▸ noun: A change that results in something being moved too far or too many things being moved.
▸ noun: A work period that extends significantly beyond the normal eight-hour shift; An instance of involuntary overtime.
▸ noun: (geology) An overhang caused by seismic shift.
▸ noun: An unfitted woman's overgarment.
▸ verb: (sports) To position defensive players too far in a particular direction.
▸ verb: (mechanical engineering) To overshoot when changing gears.
▸ verb: To move too great an amount or move something too far.
▸ verb: (economics) To raise the price to consumers by more than an underlying cost increase that results from rising taxes.
▸ verb: (horticulture) To replant or repot too soon or too often.
▸ Words similar to overshift
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▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ Rhymes of overshift
▸ Invented words related to overshift
▸ noun: (sports) The strategy or act of positioning defensive players extra far toward the offense's strong side, leaving portions of the field or court undefended.
▸ noun: (mineralogy) The amount of displacement in the layers in a crystal lattice that places the layers too far apart for molecular bonding.
▸ noun: (mechanical engineering) A misalignment resulting from shifting gears too far.
▸ noun: A change that results in something being moved too far or too many things being moved.
▸ noun: A work period that extends significantly beyond the normal eight-hour shift; An instance of involuntary overtime.
▸ noun: (geology) An overhang caused by seismic shift.
▸ noun: An unfitted woman's overgarment.
▸ verb: (sports) To position defensive players too far in a particular direction.
▸ verb: (mechanical engineering) To overshoot when changing gears.
▸ verb: To move too great an amount or move something too far.
▸ verb: (economics) To raise the price to consumers by more than an underlying cost increase that results from rising taxes.
▸ verb: (horticulture) To replant or repot too soon or too often.
infield shift,
offside trap,
long off,
▸ Words similar to overshift
▸ Usage examples for overshift
▸ Idioms related to overshift
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular adjectives describing overshift
▸ Words that often appear near overshift
▸ Rhymes of overshift
▸ Invented words related to overshift