Definitions from Wiktionary (NP)
▸ noun: (South Africa) Initialism of National Party.
▸ noun: (Philippines) Initialism of Nacionalista Party.
▸ noun: Initialism of notary public. [(law) An officer who can administer oaths and statutory declarations, witness and authenticate documents and perform certain other acts varying from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.]
▸ noun: Initialism of nurse practitioner. [(medicine) A professional nursing designation recognized in some jurisdictions, denoting a person who is fully qualified as a nurse and who has additional qualifications and authorization to provide diagnoses and/or treatments, including writing prescriptions.]
▸ noun: Initialism of national park. [An area of land that is not built upon, but reserved by the national government for conservation of nature and usually also for recreational use.]
▸ noun: (linguistics) Initialism of noun phrase. [(grammar) A phrase that has a noun (or indefinite pronoun) as its head or performs the same grammatical function as a noun.]
▸ noun: (nanotechnology) Initialism of nanoparticle. [Any microscopic particle less than about 100 nanometers (nm) in diameter.]
▸ noun: (computing theory) Abbreviation of nondeterministic polynomial, the complexity class of computational problems that a nondeterministic Turing machine can solve in polynomial time.
▸ noun: (medicine, pathology) Abbreviation of nosocomial pneumonia.
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▸ noun: (South Africa) Initialism of National Party.
▸ noun: (Philippines) Initialism of Nacionalista Party.
▸ noun: Initialism of notary public. [(law) An officer who can administer oaths and statutory declarations, witness and authenticate documents and perform certain other acts varying from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.]
▸ noun: Initialism of nurse practitioner. [(medicine) A professional nursing designation recognized in some jurisdictions, denoting a person who is fully qualified as a nurse and who has additional qualifications and authorization to provide diagnoses and/or treatments, including writing prescriptions.]
▸ noun: Initialism of national park. [An area of land that is not built upon, but reserved by the national government for conservation of nature and usually also for recreational use.]
▸ noun: (linguistics) Initialism of noun phrase. [(grammar) A phrase that has a noun (or indefinite pronoun) as its head or performs the same grammatical function as a noun.]
▸ noun: (nanotechnology) Initialism of nanoparticle. [Any microscopic particle less than about 100 nanometers (nm) in diameter.]
▸ noun: (computing theory) Abbreviation of nondeterministic polynomial, the complexity class of computational problems that a nondeterministic Turing machine can solve in polynomial time.
▸ noun: (medicine, pathology) Abbreviation of nosocomial pneumonia.
atomic number 93,
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▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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