Definitions from Wikipedia (National anthem of South Africa)
▸ noun: The national anthem of South Africa was adopted in 1997 and is a hybrid song combining extracts of the 19th century Xhosa hymn "" and the Afrikaans song that was used as the South African national anthem during the apartheid era, "Die Stem van Suid-Afrika", with new English lyrics.
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▸ noun: The national anthem of South Africa was adopted in 1997 and is a hybrid song combining extracts of the 19th century Xhosa hymn "" and the Afrikaans song that was used as the South African national anthem during the apartheid era, "Die Stem van Suid-Afrika", with new English lyrics.
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▸ Usage examples for national anthem of south africa
▸ Idioms related to national anthem of south africa
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ Rhymes of national anthem of south africa
▸ Invented words related to national anthem of south africa