Usually means: Preparation of ingredients before cooking.
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We found 7 dictionaries that define the word mise en place:

General (7 matching dictionaries)
  1. mise en_place:
  2. mise en_place: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. mise en_place: Collins English Dictionary
  4. mise en_place: Wiktionary
  5. mise en_place:
  6. Mise en_Place (restaurant), Mise en place: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  7. mise en_place: Dictionary/thesaurus

Definitions from Wiktionary (mise en place)

noun:  development
noun:  (cooking) The preparations to cook, having the ingredients ready, such as cuts of meat, relishes, sauces, par-cooked items, spices, freshly chopped vegetables, and other components that are required for the menu and recipes ingredients measured out, washed, chopped and placed in individual bowls; and equipment such as spatulas and blenders prepared, and oven preheated.
noun:  (cooking) The preparation and layouts that are set up and used by line cooks at their stations in a commercial or restaurant kitchen.



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