Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ adjective: (law) Underage, not having reached legal majority.
▸ adjective: (medicine, sometimes figurative) Not serious, not involving risk of death, permanent injury, dangerous surgery, or extended hospitalization.
▸ adjective: (music) Smaller by a diatonic semitone than the equivalent major interval.
▸ adjective: (music) Incorporating a minor third interval above the (in scales) tonic or (in chords) root note, (also figurative) tending to produce a dark, discordant, sad, or pensive effect.
▸ adjective: (Canada, US, education) Of or related to a minor, a secondary area of undergraduate study.
▸ adjective: (mathematics) Of or related to a minor, a determinate obtained by deleting one or more rows and columns from a matrix.
▸ adjective: (logic) Acting as the subject of the second premise of a categorical syllogism, which then also acts as the subject of its conclusion.
▸ adjective: (UK, dated) The younger of two pupils with the same surname.
▸ adjective: (music, historical) Of or related to the relationship between the longa and the breve in a score.
▸ adjective: (music, historical) Having semibreves twice as long as a minim.
▸ adjective: (politics, obsolete) Of or related to a minority party.
▸ adjective: Having little worth or ability; paltry; mean.
▸ adjective: (graph theory) Including both directed and undirected edges.
▸ noun: (law) A child, a person who has not reached the age of majority, consent, etc. and is legally subject to fewer responsibilities and less accountability and entitled to fewer legal rights and privileges.
▸ noun: A lesser person or thing, a person, group, or thing of minor rank or in the minor leagues.
▸ noun: (Canada, US, education) A formally recognized secondary area of undergraduate study, requiring fewer course credits than the equivalent major.
▸ noun: (Canada, US, education, uncommon) A person who is completing or has completed such a course of study.
▸ noun: (mathematics) A determinant of a square matrix obtained by deleting one or more rows and columns.
▸ noun: (Australian football) Synonym of behind: a one-point kick.
▸ noun: (entomology) Any of various noctuid moths in Europe and Asia, chiefly in the Oligia and Mesoligia genera.
▸ noun: (entomology) A leaf-cutter worker ant intermediate in size between a minim and a media.
▸ noun: (campanology) Changes rung on six bells.
▸ noun: (Scots law, obsolete) An adolescent, a person above the legal age of puberty but below the age of majority.
▸ noun: (mathematics, rare, obsolete) Synonym of subtrahend, the amount subtracted from a number.
▸ noun: (UK, rare, obsolete) The younger brother of a pupil.
▸ verb: Used in a phrasal verb: minor in.
▸ noun: A surname.
▸ noun: (music) Ellipsis of minor interval, scale, mode, key, chord, triad, etc. [(music) an interval that is either a minor second, minor third, minor sixth, or a minor seventh]
▸ noun: (Catholicism) Alternative letter-case form of Minor: a Franciscan friar, a Clarist nun. [A surname.]
▸ noun: (logic) Ellipsis of minor term or minor premise.
▸ noun: (baseball) Ellipsis of minor league: the lower level of teams. [An association of sports teams that plays at a level below the major leagues of a sport.]
▸ noun: (ice hockey) Ellipsis of minor penalty: a penalty requiring a player to leave the ice for 2 minutes unless the opposing team scores. [(ice hockey) A penalty sending the offending player to the penalty box for 2 minutes or (after the 1955–1956 season) the next score by the opposing team.]
▸ noun: (rugby, historical) Ellipsis of minor point: a lesser score formerly gained by certain actions. [(rugby, historical) A single point awarded for a touch-in-goal and sometimes for touchdowns or dead balls.]
▸ noun: (bridge) Ellipsis of minor suit; a card of a minor suit. [(bridge) Either of the suits of diamonds (♦) and clubs (♣), which rank lower than the major suits (spades and hearts).]
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