Definitions from Wiktionary (linked list)
▸ noun: (computer science) A simple linear data structure, each of whose nodes includes a pointer to the next (and sometimes previous) node in the list, enabling traversal of the structure in at least one direction from any starting point.
▸ Words similar to linked list
▸ Usage examples for linked list
▸ Idioms related to linked list
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near linked list
▸ Rhymes of linked list
▸ Invented words related to linked list
▸ noun: (computer science) A simple linear data structure, each of whose nodes includes a pointer to the next (and sometimes previous) node in the list, enabling traversal of the structure in at least one direction from any starting point.
jump list,
free list,
association list,
back pointer,
skip list,
hard link,
firm link,
symbolic link,
▸ Words similar to linked list
▸ Usage examples for linked list
▸ Idioms related to linked list
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near linked list
▸ Rhymes of linked list
▸ Invented words related to linked list