Definitions from Wiktionary (Lincoln Center)
▸ noun: A small city, the county seat of Lincoln County, Kansas, United States. It is commonly known as just Lincoln.
▸ noun: Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, a set of buildings including performance halls for the New York Philharmonic, the Metropolitan Opera, and the New York City Ballet.
lincoln center for the performing arts,
Jazz at Lincoln Center,
Film at Lincoln Center,
Lincoln Developmental Center,
▸ Words similar to lincoln center
▸ Usage examples for lincoln center
▸ Idioms related to lincoln center
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near lincoln center
▸ Rhymes of lincoln center
▸ Invented words related to lincoln center
▸ noun: A small city, the county seat of Lincoln County, Kansas, United States. It is commonly known as just Lincoln.
▸ noun: Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, a set of buildings including performance halls for the New York Philharmonic, the Metropolitan Opera, and the New York City Ballet.
Lincoln County,
Lancaster County,
Linn County,
Logan County,
Star City,
▸ Words similar to lincoln center
▸ Usage examples for lincoln center
▸ Idioms related to lincoln center
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near lincoln center
▸ Rhymes of lincoln center
▸ Invented words related to lincoln center