Definitions from Wiktionary (lean into)
▸ verb: Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see lean, into.
▸ verb: To make an effort with; to work hard at; to show determination and perseverance.
▸ verb: To embrace; to experience fully or respond to wholeheartedly.
▸ verb: To take on or embrace something difficult or unpleasant, usually through determination or perseverance; to find a way to benefit from, or alleviate the harm of, risk, uncertainty and difficult situations.
▸ Words similar to lean into
▸ Usage examples for lean into
▸ Idioms related to lean into
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near lean into
▸ Rhymes of lean into
▸ Invented words related to lean into
▸ verb: Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see lean, into.
▸ verb: To make an effort with; to work hard at; to show determination and perseverance.
▸ verb: To embrace; to experience fully or respond to wholeheartedly.
▸ verb: To take on or embrace something difficult or unpleasant, usually through determination or perseverance; to find a way to benefit from, or alleviate the harm of, risk, uncertainty and difficult situations.
▸ Words similar to lean into
▸ Usage examples for lean into
▸ Idioms related to lean into
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near lean into
▸ Rhymes of lean into
▸ Invented words related to lean into