Definitions from Wiktionary (lead out)
▸ verb: Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see lead, out.
▸ verb: (poker slang) To bet into a pot postflop from the first betting position.
▸ verb: (printing, historical, transitive) To pad out (text) by inserting lead slugs between words.
▸ noun: Alternative form of lead-out [(broadcasting) A program scheduled to follow another.]
get the lead out,
gets the lead out,
getting the lead out,
got the lead out,
get the lead out say,
▸ Words similar to lead out
▸ Usage examples for lead out
▸ Idioms related to lead out
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near lead out
▸ Rhymes of lead out
▸ Invented words related to lead out
▸ verb: Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see lead, out.
▸ verb: (poker slang) To bet into a pot postflop from the first betting position.
▸ verb: (printing, historical, transitive) To pad out (text) by inserting lead slugs between words.
▸ noun: Alternative form of lead-out [(broadcasting) A program scheduled to follow another.]
leave out,
drive out,
run out,
pull out,
haul out,
get out of here,
leave behind,
drop out,
▸ Words similar to lead out
▸ Usage examples for lead out
▸ Idioms related to lead out
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near lead out
▸ Rhymes of lead out
▸ Invented words related to lead out