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We found 7 dictionaries that define the word laydown:

General (5 matching dictionaries)
  1. laydown: Wordnik
  2. laydown: Wiktionary
  3. laydown: Infoplease Dictionary
  4. laydown:
  5. Laydown: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

Slang (1 matching dictionary)
  1. laydown: Urban Dictionary

Sports (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Internet Karting Glossary (No longer online)

Definitions from Wiktionary (laydown)

noun:  (usually uncountable) The act of laying something down.
noun:  (publishing) A physical mockup or layout of a page design.
noun:  (military) A pattern of deployment.
noun:  (bridge) A hand which is so strong that the declarer can simply expose it and claim the number of tricks required by his or her contract.
noun:  (fishing) A tree fallen in water, where anglers might target fish.
adjective:  Of packaging: designed to lie flat rather than stand upright.
adjective:  Of (usually nuclear) bomb delivery: designed to land the bomb on the ground and wait for some time before detonation.




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