Definitions from Wiktionary (lambda abstraction)
▸ noun: (computing theory) A lambda term of the form (λx.t) where x is a variable and t another lambda term. Any free instance of x within t (considered by itself) then becomes bound by the λx. prefix. It is meant to represent an anonymous function.
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▸ noun: (computing theory) A lambda term of the form (λx.t) where x is a variable and t another lambda term. Any free instance of x within t (considered by itself) then becomes bound by the λx. prefix. It is meant to represent an anonymous function.
lambda term,
lambda calculus,
alpha conversion,
lambda function,
eta conversion,
lambda expression,
beta reduction,
▸ Words similar to lambda abstraction
▸ Usage examples for lambda abstraction
▸ Idioms related to lambda abstraction
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near lambda abstraction
▸ Rhymes of lambda abstraction
▸ Invented words related to lambda abstraction