Definitions from Wiktionary (Joe Sixpack)
▸ noun: (slang) The average person.
▸ noun: (Internet slang) Somebody without particular expertise or interest in computers or the Internet; a nontechie.
▸ Words similar to joe sixpack
▸ Usage examples for joe sixpack
▸ Idioms related to joe sixpack
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near joe sixpack
▸ Rhymes of joe sixpack
▸ Invented words related to joe sixpack
▸ noun: (slang) The average person.
▸ noun: (Internet slang) Somebody without particular expertise or interest in computers or the Internet; a nontechie.
Joe Six-Pack,
Joe Average,
Joe Lunchbucket,
average Joe,
regular Joe,
Joe Schmoe,
Joe Shmoe,
Joe Schmo,
▸ Words similar to joe sixpack
▸ Usage examples for joe sixpack
▸ Idioms related to joe sixpack
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near joe sixpack
▸ Rhymes of joe sixpack
▸ Invented words related to joe sixpack