Definitions from Wiktionary (jelly roll)
▸ noun: (US) A cylindrical cake containing jelly (jam).
▸ noun: (derogatory, slang) An overweight person.
▸ noun: (by extension, US slang) The female genitalia, sexual intercourse, or a lover.
▸ noun: a male hairstyle, common in the 1950s USA, a roll of greased hair longitudinally aligned front to back at the middle of the head
▸ noun: (finance) An options position consisting of two calls and two puts, which can be seen as a combination of synthetic long and short positions with different expiries, or a combination of a put time spread and a call time spread.
Jelly Roll Morton,
morton, jelly roll,
morton jelly roll,
jelly roll hypothesis,
long jelly roll,
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▸ Idioms related to jelly roll
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ noun: (US) A cylindrical cake containing jelly (jam).
▸ noun: (derogatory, slang) An overweight person.
▸ noun: (by extension, US slang) The female genitalia, sexual intercourse, or a lover.
▸ noun: a male hairstyle, common in the 1950s USA, a roll of greased hair longitudinally aligned front to back at the middle of the head
▸ noun: (finance) An options position consisting of two calls and two puts, which can be seen as a combination of synthetic long and short positions with different expiries, or a combination of a put time spread and a call time spread.
jam roll,
jelly roll pan,
jelly cake,
Swiss roll,
jelly doughnut,
fig roll,
arctic roll,
▸ Words similar to jelly roll
▸ Usage examples for jelly roll
▸ Idioms related to jelly roll
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near jelly roll
▸ Rhymes of jelly roll
▸ Invented words related to jelly roll