Definitions from Wikipedia (Hacker ethic)
▸ noun: The hacker ethic is a branch of philosophy, originating from hacker culture and pertaining to the idea that intellectual goods, like information and data, cannot be owned by an individual, hence sharing them with others is an ethical imperative.
▸ Words similar to hacker ethic
▸ Usage examples for hacker ethic
▸ Idioms related to hacker ethic
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near hacker ethic
▸ Rhymes of hacker ethic
▸ Invented words related to hacker ethic
▸ noun: The hacker ethic is a branch of philosophy, originating from hacker culture and pertaining to the idea that intellectual goods, like information and data, cannot be owned by an individual, hence sharing them with others is an ethical imperative.
▸ Words similar to hacker ethic
▸ Usage examples for hacker ethic
▸ Idioms related to hacker ethic
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near hacker ethic
▸ Rhymes of hacker ethic
▸ Invented words related to hacker ethic