Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ adjective: No longer existing, having passed.
▸ adjective: Used up.
▸ adjective: Broken, failed.
▸ adjective: Dead.
▸ adjective: Doomed, done for.
▸ adjective: (colloquial) Not fully aware of one's surroundings, often through intoxication or mental decline.
▸ adjective: (slang) Infatuated; in love (+ on, for, in).
▸ adjective: (informal, US, dated) Excellent, wonderful; crazy.
▸ adjective: (archaic) Ago (used post-positionally).
▸ adjective: (US) Weak; faint; feeling a sense of goneness.
▸ adjective: Of an arrow: wide of the mark.
▸ adjective: Used with a duration to indicate for how long a process has been developing, an action has been performed or a state has persisted; especially, pregnant.
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