Definitions from Wiktionary (ghetto blaster)
▸ noun: (slang) A portable stereo system capable of playing music (from several sources) at a relatively high volume; a boom box.
▸ noun: (by extension) A car stereo used in a similar way (loudly and, often, rudely); the hooptie in which it is mounted.
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▸ noun: (slang) A portable stereo system capable of playing music (from several sources) at a relatively high volume; a boom box.
▸ noun: (by extension) A car stereo used in a similar way (loudly and, often, rudely); the hooptie in which it is mounted.
wog box,
Third World briefcase,
ghetto bird,
ghetto booty,
blotto box,
▸ Words similar to ghetto blaster
▸ Usage examples for ghetto blaster
▸ Idioms related to ghetto blaster
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near ghetto blaster
▸ Rhymes of ghetto blaster
▸ Invented words related to ghetto blaster