Definitions from Wiktionary (form factor)
▸ noun: (physics) The ratio of the RMS value to the absolute mean of a sinusoidal wave (especially to that of an alternating current)
▸ noun: (physics) Any of several functions that describe the unknown internal state of a particle
▸ noun: (physics) The emissivity of a material
▸ noun: (crystallography) A function that describes the scattering power of an atom as function of the scattering angle
▸ noun: (mechanics) A factor describing the stress distribution of a body
▸ noun: The geometry of an object, especially in engineering design; configuration.
Atomic form factor,
Enterprise & Data Center SSD Form Factor,
Small form factor,
Motherboard form factor,
Pizza box form factor,
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▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
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▸ noun: (physics) The ratio of the RMS value to the absolute mean of a sinusoidal wave (especially to that of an alternating current)
▸ noun: (physics) Any of several functions that describe the unknown internal state of a particle
▸ noun: (physics) The emissivity of a material
▸ noun: (crystallography) A function that describes the scattering power of an atom as function of the scattering angle
▸ noun: (mechanics) A factor describing the stress distribution of a body
▸ noun: The geometry of an object, especially in engineering design; configuration.
power factor,
space factor,
load factor,
▸ Words similar to form factor
▸ Usage examples for form factor
▸ Idioms related to form factor
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near form factor
▸ Rhymes of form factor
▸ Invented words related to form factor