Definitions from Wiktionary (find one's place)
▸ verb: (idiomatic) To discover one's vocation, purpose, and/or sense of belonging to or passion for something.
▸ verb: To locate where (in a work of print) (one) had most recently stopped reading, in order to resume reading.
▸ Words similar to find one's place
▸ Usage examples for find one's place
▸ Idioms related to find one's place
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near find one's place
▸ Rhymes of find one's place
▸ Invented words related to find one's place
▸ verb: (idiomatic) To discover one's vocation, purpose, and/or sense of belonging to or passion for something.
▸ verb: To locate where (in a work of print) (one) had most recently stopped reading, in order to resume reading.
▸ Words similar to find one's place
▸ Usage examples for find one's place
▸ Idioms related to find one's place
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near find one's place
▸ Rhymes of find one's place
▸ Invented words related to find one's place