Definitions from Wiktionary (euouae)
▸ noun: In medieval music, a mnemonic for the Latin words saeculōrum and āmēn (from “ […] in saecula saeculōrum. Āmēn.” from the Gloria Patri doxology), used in liturgical works to indicate how the words should be sung with various cadences.
▸ noun: (by extension) A cadence used to sing those words of the Gloria Patri.
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▸ noun: In medieval music, a mnemonic for the Latin words saeculōrum and āmēn (from “ […] in saecula saeculōrum. Āmēn.” from the Gloria Patri doxology), used in liturgical works to indicate how the words should be sung with various cadences.
▸ noun: (by extension) A cadence used to sing those words of the Gloria Patri.
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▸ Usage examples for euouae
▸ Idioms related to euouae
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▸ Words that often appear near euouae
▸ Rhymes of euouae
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