Usually means: Device that automatically opens doors.
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We found 11 dictionaries that define the word door opener:

General (9 matching dictionaries)
  1. door opener:
  2. door opener: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  3. door-opener: Wordnik
  4. door opener: Wiktionary
  5. door opener: Infoplease Dictionary
  6. door-opener, door opener:
  7. Door-Opener: E Cobham Brewer, The Reader's Handbook
  8. Door-opener: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898)
  9. door opener: Dictionary/thesaurus

Business (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. Construction Term Glossary (No longer online)
  2. (No longer online)

Definitions from Wiktionary (door opener)

noun:  The control mechanism by which a door is latched and unlatched.
noun:  Any of various devices designed to make opening a door easier.
noun:  Any of various devices to automatically open a door in response to a sensor or signal sent from a controller.
noun:  (firefighting) A crowbar-like tool used by firefighters to quickly force locked doors to open.
noun:  Someone who opens doors.
noun:  Any tactic, approach, or giveaway item employed by a salesman to capture the interest of a potential customer.
noun:  A communication technique designed to encourage someone to speak openly.
noun:  Someone or something that provides someone with opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable to them.





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