Usually means: Distinguish, perceive, or recognize clearly.
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We found 11 dictionaries that define the word decern:

General (11 matching dictionaries)
  1. decern:
  2. decern: Collins English Dictionary
  3. Decern, decern: Wordnik
  4. decern: Wiktionary
  5. decern: Infoplease Dictionary
  6. Decern, decern:
  7. Decern: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
  8. decern: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition
  9. Decern: Multi-Lingual Dictionary
  10. decern: Free Dictionary
  11. decern: Dictionary/thesaurus

Definitions from Wiktionary (decern)

verb:  Decide; determine; decree.
verb:  (obsolete, transitive) Decide; determine (a matter disputed or doubtful).
verb:  with simple object
verb:  with infinitive or object clause
verb:  intransitive
verb:  (transitive, Scots law) Decree by judicial sentence.
verb:  Decree by judicial sentence that something be done.
verb:  Decree a person etc. to be or to do something by judicial sentence.  (in the phrase “to decern in”, obsolete) To mulct in by decree of court.
verb:  transferred sense
verb:  Discern.
verb:  (obsolete, transitive) Distinguish or separate by their differences (things that differ, one thing from another).
verb:  (intransitive) Distinguish; discriminate between.
verb:  See distinctly (with the eyes or the mind); distinguish (an object or fact); discern.




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